Elimia DOL Magnetic Motor Starter. Works in all applications where a separate limit switch is not used to engage the starter. Heavy duty Polycarbonate Hinge enclosure rated Nema 4X. Suitable for outdoor applications, water and dust proof. Special push button switches rated Nema 4X with A600 contact blocks.
Every Motor Starter is built and tested to order in Alabama, USA. Our customers come back time and time again, try one and you will see... Nothing else in this price range even comes close. We have updated our enclosed motor starters to make them better than ever.
Now using Nema Rated LSis Motor Starter, made in Korea. Please note that the label on the pictured unit may be from a different rated unit.
Use the specifications below to verify for your application. We want you to get the right equipment - 1-855-4Elimia. We offer an extensive line of standard motor starters as well as custom built units. Combination starters and reversing starters are also available in standard and custom configurations.
This new magnetic motor starter is designed to run equipment where the user controls the starting and stopping. It uses momentary push buttons and a latch auxiliary contact on the starter to hold power until the stop button is pressed. This type of controls can not be used for equipment such as an air compressor.
Model Number: DOL 34-50-230N4X-10L 1PH. DOL = Across the line starter. 230 = Coil Voltage (suitable for 208-240V).
N4X = Polycarbonate Nema 4X hinged enclosure. In our ongoing effort to provide high quality, low cost products with as little as possible Chinese content - this assembly contains approximately 15% China material. Here is the major content country of origin. Assembly - Elimia USA, Alabama. Motor starters are made up of primarily two parts.A contactor and overload device. Both devices have maximum ratings and the overload has maximum and minimum ratings. You should choose a motor starter that fits both criteria. To size your starter properly you must determine the following.
Three phase or Single phase. 120V; 208V; 230V; 460V; 600V. Motor FLA (full load Amps) and worst case SFA (service factor Amps). Application, what type of machine you running. If your supply Voltage is 208V and you w.
To use your supply power to power the contactor coil... Our 230V coils are rated down to 196 Volts. Now, under most cases our standard 230V coil will work flawlessly on 208V systems. But, if your machine is very large for your electrical service OR your wiring run is long or undersized I recommend using a separate 120V source for the coil power. Ratings of contactor used in this starter, do not exceed ratings. You must use a control voltage. For this unit, it is pre-wired to connect to your line connections on the starter.The control voltage is the voltage used to activate the coil of the contactor. In the simplest install you will want a coil voltage the same as your power supply. But is some cases you might want the control voltage to be different for a host of reasons. The overload will have an adjustable Amperage range. Your overload choice is based on your machines FLA.
If your machine motor has a FLA of 10 Amps at your supply voltage then you should choose the overload where 10 Amp falls within the adjustable range. For a 10 Amp FLA we would recommend overload 9 - 13 Amps. Some folks size overloads based on FLA times the Service Factor. So, if your service factor is 1.15, your SFA is 1.15 x FLA. In the example above it equals 10 FLA X SFA = 11.5 Amps.
Our overloads can be set for manual or automatic reset operation. The overload control is pre-wired by Elimia in a way that trips the starter. This is done to protect your equipment and is one of the main purposes of a motor starter.
Components mounted on a easy to remove back plate. Enclosure size is 12x10x6 inches approximately. We have pre-wired DOL motor starters available from 0 HP to 200 HP. Please call 1-855-4Elimia for more info or if we can help sizing a starter. Elimia has assembled and supplied thousands of starters to customers all over the world.
In addition to our standard products we design and built custom control panels, VFDs, PLCs, container electrical systems, motor control centers etc... Our customers come back again and again for the value products we offer. We will work with each customer and try to reach a resolution. Please note: All items should be professionally inspected and tested prior to installation or use. We are not liable for damages, injuries or death relating to our products.