Century Centurion 2.0 HP Threaded Shaft Motor B2855 Note: NOT California Title 20 Compliant. 2.0 HP Square Frame Threaded Shaft Up Rated Single Speed - Up Rated 60 Hz Fits: INGROUND POOL PUMPS SUCH AS STA-RITE, HYDRO-TECH, PREMIER, AQUAFLO, RED JACKET, SEARS, PAC FAB AND PENTAIR PUMPS. Features HP: 2.0 SF 1.10 RPM: 3450 Volts: 208/230 Max Amps: 10. Frame: 56Y Product Specifications AmbientTemperature 50 deg C BearingType Ball Brand Regal Beloit Diameter 6-1/2 Inch DutyCycle Continuous EfficiencyGroup Standard EnclosureDesign Open Dripproof FinishColor Black FlangeMaterial Aluminum FlangeType Square Frame 56Y FrequencyRating 60 Hz FullLoadAmps 10 A HP 2 InsulationClass B Item Pool and Spa Pump Motor MotorDesign PSC MotorShaftRotation CCWPE MotorThermalProtection Auto.
Century Centurion 2.0 HP Threaded Shaft Motor B2855. Note: NOT California Title 20 Compliant. 2.0 HP Square Frame Threaded Shaft Up Rated Single Speed - Up Rated 60 Hz. INGROUND POOL PUMPS SUCH AS STA-RITE, HYDRO-TECH, PREMIER, AQUAFLO, RED JACKET, SEARS, PAC FAB AND PENTAIR PUMPS.
Pool and Spa Pump Motor. UL 1081 Approved, UL Recognized (E14663), CSA Certified (LR4642). Parts that are modified in any way or damaged as result of improper installation will not approved for return. Please note that communication received during the weekend may experience a delay in response.